Why the Suzuki Philosophy?
Music is a language - just as children learn to speak difficult native languages, we use listening and repetition to learn music.
Beautiful tone, beautiful heart - Dr. Suzuki said, “Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens, noble human beings. If a child hears fine music from the day of his birth, and learns to play it himself, he develops sensitivity, discipline and endurance. He gets a beautiful heart”.
Learning from each other - Weekly group classes and daily listening are unique aspects of the Suzuki Method. Children are immersed in music and inspire each other to move beyond their ability.
More than learning violin - In the supportive environment fostered by the Suzuki method, children learn to enjoy music and develop confidence, self-discipline, concentration, and the determination to try difficult things - qualities that are sorely needed in our time. As the cellist Pablo Casals remarked after hearing Suzuki children play, “Perhaps it is music that will save the world”.
Reach for a high level of excellence - through the daily experience of listening, practice, and team work, students master difficult violin techniques and become sensitive musicians!
Find out more about the Suzuki Method on the SAA website.